The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

But, you understand the concept of siblings, right, Unmutual?

If that trade means that it's Stephen Baldwin's floppy, only-used-for-procreative-purposes dong disappointing its way through Postal instead, I'm all for it.

Now if only Lionel would man up and face the login page.

Mr. Majestyk is mostly correct, excepting the part about lifetime passes.

Otto, that was actually Billy Baldwin. He'll take whatever he can get, along the lines of fans, these days.

Making me google something, only to find out that it was a mostly accurate astronomy riff yet still in keeping with the AV Club article, is only worth a C? I shudder to think what he's got to do to wrangle a B from you, OtP.

I'm looking for Ray Finkle… and a clean pair of shorts.

Oh my god…

It was his day off.

I'm prepared to use tranquilizer darts to deter you if necessary.

Should have run Entertainment Czech on that before posting it.

What's worse is that he never rewinds his rental tapes before returning them to the video store.

Murder Alex English would have been better, were it not for the court order that it never be released.

I heard that sentence was a total prick to fans, though.


It hath been foreseeneth.
The Baldwin-Wayans War of 2012 will be bloody, but I believe we will all be the victors.

Plus, it just doesn't matter if Walter Matthau's boobs are as big as Katherine Heigl's.

If that means Eli Manning absorbs more sacks because he's stepping over piles of rebar and dodging Porta-Pottis, I'm all for it.

"Butter gutter," surprisingly enough.

The short one is being very droll.