The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

As would most of the things the Captain just listed.

Seems like a perfectly Cromulent god.

Uh, 4strength, that's not where they come from…

It'll be a staple of the TGIF lineup, right after "An Evening at the Learning Annex."

Yep. Sure does.

Yeah, some of them just aren't funny.

No, Gleeth, I didn't know you back then.

Shoudn't be too tough to find. Just start at the knee and start searching northward.

Don't mess with Estevez.
He is a regulator, and will not hesitate to mount up.

My attempt at a Caruso-ie:

I wouldn't have picked the likes of Scott Pippen to be from a hick shithole.


No, the card very clearly says "The Moops."

Diabeetus, on!
I feel like we've just seen the spitballing session that led to the Bazooka Joe movie.

Would you ask Tom Petty to be on that list?

The buzz out of Cannes about the Tetris movie.
Evidently Chris O'Donnell is great as the L Block. Nails every nuance.

I have the same feeling about the Rintin project that Steven Spielberg is so rabid to get filmed. Am I just woefully uninformed, or are folks just making movies about whatever in hell they want now, like all of Hollywood decided to follow the Grindhouse model and damn the torpedoes if no one shows up to see 'em?

Voting with my wallet!
I'm holding out for Big League Chew: The Motion Picture.

Will you settle for this photo of Jimmy Connors petting a dog?

So, yes, then.