The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Sounds like Erik E Erik took the right message away from that afternoon screening of Antichrist.


Let's all watch that event, then form our own opinions on it, please.

Nurse Beatty? Isn't that what someone had to do for him after that fishing trip with Burt Reynolds?

Also, he's slippery when wet, whereas The Boss looks constantly studded with the grit of good hard American livin.'

Fuck American Idol.
I have nothing else to say.

Jorge, get that vanity plate and everyone's just gonna think you're Rod Smart.

Lost in the hubbub over six being mad at seven because seven ate nine is the equally sad fact that seventeen watched the whole thing happen despite very clearly being under eighteen.

I am so blindingly Anglo that, in the two years between "saw it in print" and "heard it aloud for the first time," I regularly attributed Death Row's ownership to a Mr. SOOGE Knight.


I'm going to pretend that the boombox on his lap is actually the VCR from the back of his car, that he ganked from the Slauson swap meet.

His line about Pac…
…is Rabin giving manifest to the line "fuck around and get caught up in a 1-8-7."

Snoop put it best, on Conan:
"Contrary to popular belief, Dr. Dre is not a real doctor… I wish he'd told me that before I let him remove my pancreas."

Failed 7ths.

What can I say to be called an idiot as quickly as possible? Quote IMDb!
I hope no one who's on the Bubble because she's gone Full Frontal decide to let this one get lost in the Traffic, because it's Out of Sight!

I'm not up to date on my kinks…
…can someone tell me how to do it gravitas-style, and why Peter Fonda is so much better at it than a professional porn starlet?

Off-day, I guess.
I wanted this post to be a joke with the names Mork and Focker in it, but I can't find the joke. Let those who follow in this thread prove my superiors on this one.

He's only six! He doesn't even know what that means!

Regularly serviced in full view, I'd hope.

Me too.