The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches


Is it unreasonable…
…to call a spade a spade, at this point, and just recognize that Eminem has become Weird Al Yankovic?

That's how I felt about "doping" before I realized the actual fucking commission policing it is called the Anti Doping Agency.

I don't have a joke to go with this…
…I just want the first person who blurts the first "Man Push Fart" joke to feel bad that someone else mentioned it already.

You mean the real Caruso or the AV Club version, Hoochbag?

Scuba divers generally attach a breathing apparatus rather than a half-ton rock on a chain.

Amusing, since Gyllenhaal is playing the title role in the upcoming videogame-to-film adaptation of The Prince of Persia.

It takes more hubris than the average bear, to name your network "The Entertainment Channel," thus implying that none of the others provide it.

How do you know he isn't already yelling it?

But is he REALLY great?

Never heard of this man…
…or any of the titles of his films.

Yeah, I didn't want to correct him and spoil the bit.

No, "semi-CARNALLY."

As opposed to what? When he's asleep?

Honey, load up the kids, we're going to check out the Jeezm!

Bonnie Hunt is a dish.

Yes, registering TheHumanFund.org was the smartest business move I've made in years.

Whatcha gonna do… when shrieking diarrhea cramps run wild on you?

You wish!

Reading these leaves me flushed.