The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

I hope the season premiere of Stossl'd lives up to the promise of his earlier Stosslings.

Hey, I loved him semi-carnally.

(Matthew Modine throws a weak, ineffectively limp-wristed punch, then walks out)

On the bright side, you used the word "Grody" as a short-hand for his last name, which tells us most of what we need to know about you before your topic even begins.

If someone bothers the two while they're talking, Grodin is well within his right to interject, "GO AWAY. BATEMAN."

The British version is superior.

(Ted Danson punches paintedwaco, walks out)

Well, that adds chilling new context to the phrase "shooting off at the mouth," if nothing else.

Don't be drinkin' all that Hater-ade!

Or, even more disappointingly, are adept at the deployment and pronunciation of "guess-timation."

I missed the bus?

Well, now, wait a minute, roustabout. I've seen some bums with pretty tasty-looking asscracks.

His homophilia is even worse.

Nice, Sister.

The War on Drugs
I will selflessly volunteer to overdose myself on cougar, so that future generations can study the effects.

I enjoy whenever I can get a roomful of teenaged girls to move my pointer.

Me too! We were definitely in the 700s, for arts and recreation!

To save time, my high school just called it "chronorrhea."

In high school I knew a guy who could gleet, like, eight feet in front of his face. Meanwhile the rest of us just sat there making noises with our mouths.

That explains the prospector I found digging around in my toilet while screaming "There's gold in them dollops!"