The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Easy. Just say you have "male problems" then show them how swollen your erection is, while you wear a plaintive expression that almost asks for help.

Try experiencing joy.

That post began like the anti-piracy commercials they used to (and still?) play before the trailers in a movie theatre.

One day it will serve a utility.
As in, when you want to contact deceased cast and crew from Legally Blonde.

Or Mary, even.

Not quite on topic, but I used to joke that I'd have friends over and treat them to my famous Everclear & Eggnog. When everyone balked, I feigned disappointment and agreed to serve my backup instead, Southern Comfort & Shasta.

Does it count if I played Vib Ribbon briefly, and was underwhelmed?

Damn, I didn't know I could be speaking for my people this whole time.

Yes, and a few shards of a Baha Men CD (it was a dare).

That's a good way to get a smacked mouth, DaveG.

Have you tried it, OTP?

This is foul. The only way beer should be chunky is on its way back up.

Nice. More like "Empathetic Delivery Driver Willing To Take One For The Team And Drive The Shipment Into The River Doin' Work."

I hope the writers know that we're hoping for some resolution in Cum Fart Cocktails VIII, on whatever happened to Perv Griffin.

YELLOW labs be all, "Hello, may I sniff your anus?"

I have the ability to be tired of or even mildly annoyed by something without braying that it shouldn't exist anymore.

I did steal it. And I keep it in the goddamn safe, in the goddamn master bedroom on the fuckin' floor in the goddamn fuckin' floor safe!


Christ, if I knew I could get credit for them in advance just by dedicating them to someone, I wouldn't be stuck mowing the lawn this weekend.

Actually, that was a trickle of me. Sorry.