The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

I just realized, after nearly 24 hours of browsing the comments in this thread, that I was thinking of the film "Exit to Eden" this whole time you were all talking about "East of Eden."

No shit. Maybe I'm on the wrong website, with all of these "joke" things I keep trying.

If that was universally true, wouldn't we all love Claire instead of taking turns shrieking "CHAAAAH-LEE!!" to each other whenever she's mentioned?

Fidel, I own Last Night on DVD, and recommend-it-to-slash-force-it-upon someone new every couple of years.

Hey, could be worse. You could have been the one that had all of the others run a train on her in the sewers.

I kept wondering when Tom Rathman found time to write a book, before remembering that he last played a down for the 49ers more than a decade ago.

It's like you were one of the Derry kids from 'IT.'

Why not? The rest of us are.

Like the clitoris!

Heh. I didn't even notice there was anything off in the picture until Nathan's comment led me back to it.

Far be it from me to contribute to women's suffrage…
…but is not washing your vagina, and all of the attendant infection risks that go along with that inaction, really the best way to put a man in his place and assert your feminine powers?

Or at least a Random Roles with Josh Holloway.

It was good that you made that reference, Fhtagn! Real, real good! And tomorrow's gonna be a real good day!

Jesus, who wouldn't? Stone cold fox, she.

Can't we do both?

Good catch, hatin. I agree.

Especially in the Deep South.

I know you're a golf enthusiast, but that puts more wear and tear on your sunglasses than you may realize.

He absolutely seems like the one cast member you'd want to hang out with once the cameras have stopped rolling.

Dude, do you have any idea how much of a burn it is to suggest that someone "get down to Kevin James' level," regardless of the context?