The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

I like traffic lights, although my name's not Vamburgh.

Depends. Is the venue staffed with gorgeous women who will tend to your every sexual whim while you watch the show?

Can we get back to the sex scenes featuring Clueless Neophyte's mom?

Didn't mean to come off all douchey, though that certainly cleans me off.

The View.

If Leonard from Memento comes in here, you guys are really gonna hurt his feelings with that kind of talk.

You go ahead and try to conceptualize an entire month spent hanging around mbs, and get back to me.

Sounds like a Stephen King novel just broke out in here.

I admit
to knowing almost nothing about this band, other than that the singer rolls around in a giant ball.

I wonder if he's ever heard any jokes about his name.

Well, they were live when we began, anyway.

There was once a time when the sentence "Julia Roberts" and "finger" would have held significantly higher promise for erotica.

I was shocked at the number of categories in the card aisle, last time I checked. I had no clue there was a whole section devoted to Relationships In Trouble, most of which begin with "I know we've hit a rough patch…"

As long as these monkey-fighting snakes are removed from this Monday-to-Friday plane, the workday may continue as normal.

I'm going to go ahead and assume I didn't post an accidental firstie, since there's no way Manson was putting a flag anywhere.

I just wish she hadn't gone south of the Manson's Dicks In line.

It's the fifth and ninth ones you should avoid mentioning in public. The third one's fine.

My Secret Shame.
Watching this in its ever-dignified 1 AM slot on Saturday nights as a teen, I had a crush on the Gladiator called Ice. I'm assuming this pre-dated my actually seeing what a woman looks like.

Ah, so they were the ones.

Darko Milicic's last name looks like it's being swarmed by birds.