The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

While listening to, ironically enough, a Boston CD.

"Let's just say I had zero sense of humor in November 2001."

…as long as Fighting is being shown on the smallest screen possible, all is well.

I like the thought of Nemesis sitting around eating potted meat and occasionally muttering "S.T.A.R.S…." to himself.

Tono Codium Mutemate?

A kid I knew in elementary school swore that he'd heard somewhere that Vienna sausages were made from "midget dicks."

I think I'd rather eat the French chef.

Owing to typos, I've bragged about the size of my ponis endlessly over the years. Now I get why the only replies came from farmers.

As long as none of you wants to set the world on fire, we're cool.

I note a disappointing dearth of Baha Men material there.

I put some pretty choice words on the wall of the men's room stall I just used.

That's how I shop for hats.

Wait, why isn't Walt in that picture? Where is he?

Hey! Some of my best friends are men.

"Call her a pretty pretty princess… do it now… good. Now bring the funny. The island demands it."

First used during the Carter era, one assumes.

"I went to Uncle Jeff's funeral, and all I got was this crummy t-shirt!"

My thoughts exactly, Thy.

Man, Syriana II is gonna SUCK.

I had a slice of Pete's, once, in college.