The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.

It rhymes with "virginity."

On behalf of the Syllabic Saviors, Buck, you officially should have gone with "radgets" there.

You have just shifted my entire opinion on Everybody Poops.

The anti-Semitism really bothers me.
Not to steal an earlier point, but it is quite clear that Clint Black has decided to manscape his eyebrows into mini-tributes to Adolf Hitler or, at the very least, Charlie Chaplin.

Isn't Donald Trump's mannequin-son just as much a "real cowboy" as Clint Black?

Up until five minutes ago, he had pretty much mastered 5) utterly forgotten by me.

Lest we forget Sally Field playing Tom Hanks' mom in Forrest Gump, just six years after playing his lover in Punchline.

@ Poop dick:

And, more importantly, dessert?

Well, I put the space bar in "Won't Be Playing This Game."

My lady has openly and repeatedly stated her girl-crush on Olivia Munn, and is always mock-outraged whenever we tune in and it's a sausagefest on the stage.

Suggestion: do not open and begin eating a cup of tapioca while attempting to watch Cum Dumpster of Love.

To be fair, Yummsh's Aunt Edna really is the Mapplethorpe of vacationing.

Is there a point to this, or is it all just for the halibut?

And miss Dance Flick?

Dave Sim seems like a nice enough fellow. I would like to go to Waffle House with him.

Look, kids, a falling star!
And once the dust settles, will Wino Forever be her legacy?

That would make Winona Ryder a MILF, if only I wanted to have sex with Winona Ryder.

It wants to engage in some necking with him, and is waiting for him to make a move.