The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

I went to an Obama speech when he and Hillary were on the run-up to the primary here, and at one point he was making a segue regarding the huge amount of people he's seen and the backbone of the nation he's encountered.

Nigga, please. There's something to be said for a salad done right.

Over my most stringent objections, I once got some of Michael Caine's special sauce, at a press junket for, ironically enough, The Quiet American.

The following is all true.
I've been telling this story for years, and now there is finally a contextual conduit for it here on the AV Club:

JTDub, we're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one, since I've been a purportedly straight male for my entire life and yet freely admit that not only is Dennis Quaid (particularly in his mid-eighties heyday) one of the most attractive guys around, but someone who actively makes me wish I looked more like him

Take away the race qualifier and your penultimate sentence stands.

I thought that said an 8 out of 100 at first glance.

Apropos of almost nothing: it took me probably three months of wrestling-awareness as a kid, before I knew the proper pronunciation, spelling and construction of Hulk Hogan's name. The kid who helped introduce me to the "sport" always said it so quickly that, no matter how many times I asked him to repeat it, it

Just saw The Soloist last night.

But what does the light symbolize? What do you think the red light symbolized? How does the symbolism of the red light inform the motivations of the characters? And does the symbolism of the red ligcalvnascre43…/llll,.

Was it his finger in your water that gave you a distaste for him?


In the Company of Men made me hate him for awhile afterward, and that was just from what an amazing job he did at being such a spectacular bastard in it. Just a supreme piece of shit, his character.

Off the top of my head…
Gwyneth Paltrow, Mark Burnett, Joe Francis, Russell Brand…

Wait, there's a Chinatown 5?

What a bunch of Checkovs.

Don't forget, ImpromptuJ, the day in 1983 when he fell on his keys.

Old enough to crawl, already in the right position.

I believe nozzing her wodzie is what got him in trouble to begin with.

Frito: Hilarious, good sir.