The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Fuck Wit' Dre Day!

Not to sound like a dissenter here, but is there way to drug and rape a thirteen-year-old in a fashion that DOESN'T make your skin crawl?

Roman Conrad: your sudden existence, complete with a picture, makes me smile.

Sorry, Doofus. It wasn't appropriate to say here, either.

The author
went on to direct a wholly unnecessary remake of a horror classic in which the main character's mystique is drowned in needless, onerous origin ret-conning, didn't he?

Get those poor boys
some Carmex.

Suspect Zero.
Perhaps this is where my lifelong distrust of anyone named Roman originated.

Ghost Dog
I guess it was okay. The bit where he levitates the coin and walks it over to her to prove he was really there was nice, but all of the potter's wheel stuff was kinda silly.

From an orgasm?

Don't call it that.

"Pick Up Them Butts From The Floor And Keep Em" is some of Busta Rhymes' finest work.

You'd be surprised, Andy Pants. I was snowed in during a blizzard once, and I had to burn my Kindle for warmth. Other than the burnt-plastic smell there was very little difference from the real thing.

[insert easy, pat coq joke here]

I was first-chair namesake in band, senior year. Not to brag or anything.

Which, itself, was a pun on the dish you referenced.

It's my FAVE club, too.

Ah, Pooh. Well played.

I'll allow it.

The Famous Bowl?

Whereas this mustache…
…would look just fine on Diego Luna.