The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

Say that again into this comically oversized daffodil on my lapel.

Yeah, and as soon as they stopped the bleeding and decided he'd only suffered a massive concussion, they rushed him to the set so he could help film the video for "Rush, Rush."

Good thing my Kindle doesn't have to deal with shit like this.

Depending on your manual dexterity, you can give your controller a thick stream of reward while playing, too.

The term "Winnipeggers"…
…makes my pants fit funny.

(golf clap)

Can't believe I know this, but isn't it "Rush Rush"?

Kyle's feelings notwithstanding, I look forward to the funeral ceremony and the touching eulogy by MC Skat Kat.

Can I still get a monthly list of 101 Ways To Please My Man in Bed That He's Never Thought Of, or is that some other meritorious publication?

Ditto for Ferris Bueller's Day Off!

My lady and I just call him Suddenly Susan whenever we refer to him.

So, you're telling me there's absolutely NO ONE on board with my theory that it's Abaddon and Mikhail?

@Retardo Montalban:

I commented to my girlfriend at one point during the episode last night, after Locke declared that "now I know my purpose" or something to that effect, that the last time he told someone the same thing, he found he was quite wrong.

What does he have to lament? He controls the freakin' universe!

Actually, Jonathan Silverman spends an inordinate amount of time on my couch with a gun in his hand, forcing me to stay on NBC just in case some sort of control-room slip-up allows a rerun of The Single Guy to air.

Dad? I told you not to post here!

I took it to mean that Jimmy Fallon will administer fellatio in such a satisfactory manner that its recipient is unable to inform a group of Internet strangers about it without yelling.

Whenever I see a list of like things on a message board, I add a sentence that generally contributes very little.

He's grit-dappled for your displeasure!