The Rev. P.F. McSmearbritches

I'll hasten to read an AV Club review of a film I have no interest in seeing, if the letter grade suggests the film will be savaged in the review or the comments section, or both. Makes for a great read.

I once started a fire, of sorts, in the rectory of an awfully good kid.

Well, Bad Doctor, you know what they say: shut the fuck up.

"Aw, look at you with your little hats!"

Goddamn, that's some muscular poop.

This thread made me laugh aloud at least four times. And it's pretty brief, considering.

I think the same shady governing body which clandestinely bestows World's Greatest Grandpa every year should be investigated alongside this one.

I can't believe there's finally a semi-context for this story.
During the run-up to election night, some newslady made a casual comment about ol' Joe Klankenfarbnugen or whatever his name was, declaring him "the most famous plumber in America."

(begins sweating, pulls on collar)
Why does he look like I just arrived to pick up his daughter for the evening, in that pic?

(beats Bucky with a tackhammer in full view of his family)

For our pleasure?

Jim, given what you now know about a guy Jorge quoted and idiotking each signing six-month leases on their apartments, would you like to revise your course of action at all?

Evidently there is no limit to the number of Preparation Heche posts which become exponentially funnier when seen coupled with the current Preparation Heche avatar.

I hear "Shazam!" promises to be so shazitty that I'll ask for my shamoney back!

I have fun in his mom's… er, basement.

Phonypope just gave me the best laugh I've had today. Cheers, sir/madame.

Ladies Unmentionables!

Hey, congrats, Saul.

Take solace in the fact that it is hugely entertaining to read, though.

This show has yet to become part of my minstrel cycle.