It's amazing how totally unexpressive everyone is in the clips they use. Without the laugh tracks these things fall apart, I suppose.
It's amazing how totally unexpressive everyone is in the clips they use. Without the laugh tracks these things fall apart, I suppose.
I'm pretty sure Tyler Perry rigged this thing, but what the graph shows is that:
It's old news but you brought it up:
It's time to pull the plug on New Girl. The ensemble is great, but the introduction of story-arc-ish character development into a 2010s madcap comedy that takes cues less from Friends and more from the Family Guy undermines it. I doubt I'll win this fight though.
You never judge someone by how expensive his suit is. You look at his shoes and watch instead.
More like beaver-damming Margery.
I stopped watching the show towards the end of S03 and haven't read the books, but did watch this scene after it linkbaitbombed the entire internets.