Judge Judy Abrams

Also, mmmm pie and donuts

In the relatively small city of Edmonton, there are at least 4 cupcake shops that I am aware of, which may be excessive, but I'll be damned if Amelie is gonna hate on cupcakes. They are more versatile than cake, and they stay fresh longer than regular cake because of the liners/icing/not having to be cut as well.

Am I the only person who noticed that Jim (and Rabin) said moose and her cubs? Or am I the only person bothered enough by this to comment?

Yup…although personally, I found Buffalo 66 harder to swallow. Which is weird, because normally I don't have a problem with swallowing.

Non-existant chin?
I sure hope that given he is too smart and pop-culture-savvy for his own good, this Connell kid doesn't read the AV club…that's harsh, Nabin.

I don't understand sports metaphors…

Even louder! We'll shout it!
No one can doubt what we know you can do!
You're more evil than even you!

Yeah, like the guy in the billowing robes is gonna listen to the guy with the lame eyepatch…COME ON!!!

Given that their chemical function as ANTIOXIDANTS means that they decrease cellular damage by preventing dangerous oxidation by free radicals, antioxidants will never be found to increase aging, unless it turns out that there is a God, and he wants to fuck us all in the ass for inventing "Science".

What are tassles if not zazz, Gentle Herpes?

Tom, I've always considered the definition of HDB to be people who don't dance at concerts.

I don't hate them…
Does this make me a bad person?

I saw Explosions in the Sky a few weeks back and I have to say, they do epic incredibly well. (Well, what I consider to be epic, anyhow)

I thought Hitchhiker's Guide too! But then I thought, ehhh, not if I have to listen to any Vogon poetry. That shit is the worst!

Hrmmm apparently I can't post a new comment of my own…

Lyra's Oxford?
I want a daemon.

Ummm, well, Grammar Police, you should know that the forests to which I referred are indeed "little" ones. I meant small groups of trees, not a few groups of trees, as there are many small groups of trees in the Calgary region. Sooo……yeah.

Is that today? I decided to walk to work by complete coincidence! However, there are very little forests in Calgary, so it probably doesn't count.

I do enjoy their panel shows…QI is cool beans and Mock the Week ain't bad. I used to love Nevermind the Buzzcocks too, but without a host, and without Bill Bailey, I expect it's probably not worth the hassle anymore. If you want British tv, subscribe to UKNova and then you can download as much as you want, provided

Yeahhhhh…maybe the show will not be complete sludge with her in it! And I loved that kid in Aliens in America…trying to be optimistic here, someone help me please?