Park Sunset

Wow, that's really cool! I'm not patriotic at all but it's a great pleasure to see things like this. It makes me laugh a lot to see the words "Il Divin Codino" there (it was Baggio's nickname, "the divine ponytail").

Yeah, I think that's what I did too. When you're a kid you can't not like any team because it's not cool and I think I chose Milan 'cause my dad was an Inter supporter.

Not really, I don't follow soccer except for the World Cup. I used to root for Milan when I was little but then I realized that I didn't actually care.

Oh, I love Bicycle Thieves a lot but the ending is too soul-crushingly sad to put it into my "favourites" mental folder. Umberto D's ending instead is pure magical, life-affirming cinema, and I also think (controversial opinion) that it's a bit better movie overall.

I saw it in class in high school. I thought it was quite boring but, you know, high school opinions.

This is not a question but I'll answer anyway: a flying moose.

I'm…not really excited. The show is very different now that while I trust that it's gonna be good I know that it's gonna be a disappointment no matter what. Basically I've erased my expectations and I'm just gonna accept what they'll give to me and try to judge it fairly.
EDIT: Oops, replied to the wrong comment.

Leonardo Sciascia, The Day of the Owl
Italo Svevo, Zeno's Conscience
Vamba, Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca
Andrea Pazienza, Pompeo (graphic novel)

I don't have much to do right now. AMA.

I always recommend Community with the caveat that it's not for everybody. Stuff like Doctor Who and other nerd properties, I can see very easily why you wouldn't be into them. As for movies, Scott Pilgrim and The World's End are my favourite Edgar Wright films but they always come with a big "it's very weird" warnings.

Oh my God, they're Sean Bean-ing her!

Me too!

I think Loki owns several copies.

That whole moment when the theme song suddenly starts and then it cuts to the characters in the studio watching the video watching the video is perfect.

It's half in English and half in French. If you use torrents you can find a subtitled version.

Bird People is a goddamn delight. I've finished it 30 minutes ago and I'm still grinning.