Park Sunset

I have also watched two episodes of that particular program.

"What is it about me that make movies people offer me lead roles? Is it my height? Do short-sighted producers mistake for Chris Hemsworth?"

Googling George Santayana I found that he's also the guy who said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". This dude is smart! He should write a book or something!

1. The Imposter
2. Whiplash
3. Coherence
4. The Babadook
5. The Muppet Movie (rewatch)
6. Inside Llewyn Davis (rewatch)
7. Nightcrawler
8. Exit Through the Gift Shop (rewatch)
9. The Man Who Wasn't There (rewatch)
10. The Game
11. The Silence of the Lambs (rewatch)
12. The Queen of Code (short)
13. Married to the Mob

Citizen Kane
His Girl Friday

"What's that? Composition? This is a poster, we can't put music in it!"

I wish I could hurl a chair at Disqus' head!

"If you are deliberately sabotaging my comment history, I will fuck you like a pig!"

Oooh, that's what it is. It makes total sense now.

I've been trying to post the same comment praising the ending of Whiplash three times and it's always going on moderation. This means that tomorrow morning I'll wake up and I'll find three posts about Whiplash or three posts saying "fuck you disqus" or no new comments from me. So I just wanna say this - Whiplash:

i can't sleep…because I saw the ending of Whiplash!!!

and fuck you twice disqus

fuck you disqus

fuck you disqus

I was seriously rooting against Boyhood because I loved it and I didn't want it to be victim of some dumb, petty backlash. It's a bummer that two great directors that I love didn't get their deserved recognition but the Oscars and the conversation around them are just a big circus anyway. If you want to know how good

This guy is kind of a simpleton.

"What no one wants to say out loud is that Selma is a well-crafted movie, but there's no art to it."

It also forgets that one of the reasons the Twilight books are so criticized is that they are some incredibly sexist works of fiction.

I think he's saying that Looking For Alaska is considered better fiction because it deals with Serious themes like depression and suicide and, of course, because sexism. Too bad that to prove his point you have to forget that The Hunger Games and Harry Potter are two hugely successful and critically acclaimed series.