
Yeah, the article misses the point badly. It's not a celebration of Self-Portrait but an alternate version of it, with the thesis "hey this secretly could've been good if it weren't for some of the perverse song choices, some good stuff was going on at those sessions that you didn't get to hear until now."

Surely the most intricate reference in the series is the code for George Sr's anklet being the same letter/number combination randomly written on a wall that George does the downtrodden Charlie Brown walk past in Mexico in Good Grief. Like they noticed the letters in the background that were oddly lingered on due to

Surely the most intricate reference in the series is the code for George Sr's anklet being the same letter/number combination randomly written on a wall that George does the downtrodden Charlie Brown walk past in Mexico in Good Grief. Like they noticed the letters in the background that were oddly lingered on due to

"one of the cost-cutting solutions a board member (a.k.a. network
executive) comes up with is to move the entire operation to a different
floor (a.k.a. time slot)"

"one of the cost-cutting solutions a board member (a.k.a. network
executive) comes up with is to move the entire operation to a different
floor (a.k.a. time slot)"