
The X-rays show uranium rods in the pig and Kreiger so he doesn't necessarily have to have fucked the pig does he?

Fuck that was a weirdly catchy tune. I pretty much have to listen to Wizards Barker more that once.

He was never that into David anyway

Anything for his father's approval.

Whatever happened to that white dog poop from the 70s?

We can watch Xander bang Killface's mom!!!!!!!!!

Definitely my favourite

So when your brain puts on a pair of pants?

In Soviet Russia, timeline exists in you.

If I don't make it tell my wife I said 'hello'.

Are you supposed to like it?

It kind of can be at first but it grows on you if you keep watching.

That's exactly how I react.

Don't you mean you peacock this show?

@paraclete_pizza:disqus That's what I'll be doing in this election in Australia probably. The Liberal party (Liberal in the ideological meaning not the American generic term for lefty) are assholes so it's probably Labor. We have a third party in the Greens that are pretty good but am I expected to just throw my vote

It thought that was Sesame Street.

First they'll need a mock trial to prepare.

Well, you'll be sitting there minding your own business, and they'll come marching in, crawl up your leg, and start biting the inside of your ass. I hate those things.

So people voted for Obama just cause Romney had Trump, Meatloaf and Ted Nugent on his side? Cause that'd be enough to convince me.

The Foo Fighters and Kings of Leon