
Cummerbund Thatchpounder

Play the Shit Outta' Drums.
This is one of those games where, once you've heard the title, you know whether you want it or not.

Also, "To See the Invisible Man," a good adaption of a classic Robert Silverberg story. Any series that tried to bring Silverberg's amazing short fiction to the masses deserves much credit.

When I'm on vacation, I take pictures of the high points so I can remember and relive them. That is the REASON for pictures.

Half-Blood Prince is a thousand page book where, like, two things happen. It was the one book where I had to see the movie to refresh my memory because I could remember almost no incidents from the book. Turns out, there weren't any.

The Terror spoilers.

Nice list.
This list was a pleasure to read just because I was able to look back with nostalgia on reading these books.

I hold grudges.
Countdown until Mike D'Angelo comes in here and explains why I'm stupid for finding this funny in three … two …

I've always gone by the user name "spidweb" for reasons that have long since stopped being interesting even to me.

- Jeff Vogel

Actually, I tend to sign things with my name because it is my name. I think people signing things they write for public consumption with their actual names has its points.

"More than that, though, I think these folks suffer from a basic misunderstanding about just how cinema—and the human visual system, for that matter—works."