Nathaniel Lovin

I think the realized this, and now the title is Muppets Most Wanted. So there's that.

Honestly, if he went to the UI College of Dentistry I can see why he hated college. Ugliest building in town.

The best part of the google earth bit was Chris looking up at the sky, all happy.

Over. The Voice lead in will push up it's rating high enough to get a back nine. It may or may not get canceled after that.

Over. The Voice lead in will push up it's rating high enough to get a back nine. It may or may not get canceled after that.

Did anyone else feel like the Finality could have served well as both a Season and Series Finale? I was really impress by how well it wrapped up a lot of loose ends, but now I'm worried that next season won't be as strong because of that.

Did anyone else feel like the Finality could have served well as both a Season and Series Finale? I was really impress by how well it wrapped up a lot of loose ends, but now I'm worried that next season won't be as strong because of that.

I really liked that they've been doing more with Shirley this season. Her character's a lot better for it.

The best part of this episode was the straw harpoon. Followed close behind by Dave's "I'm a restaurant owner" lines.

Did the moon landing refer to some other shows/movies? I didn't think so.

I'm betting all 13 will air. On thursday? At least 5.

As John Hodgman said in The Areas of My Expertise "If you wish for sports information, may I refer you to every other aspect of our culture?"

No, because the 5.4 is total, not Demo. Law and Order: SVU, The Biggest Loser, Smash, the Voice, and Celebrity Apprentice all got higher total viewers.

They're static (so the listings don't have to be updated very often), large (so the GPS doesn't have to be super accurate) locations, and people want to try news ones out often, so there's a market for the app.

They have all the episodes filmed, it did better than 30 Rock is doing in the same time slot, and NBC said it was coming back. 

@avclub-0b85257d7bd70a512bb467cbc693e76d:disqus  Baggel?

Except for the last part (guests), The Daily Show?

Ben's subplot was great. Leslie's was good. But the office's was the best. Particularly Ron failing to build the gingerbread office.