Hey Dudeses

I just wanted to say that I saw 7 minutes in heaven on hulu about 3 weeks ago and I've been trying to catch every new one that pops up weekly. They're excellent and it's awesome watching them try to avoid kissing mike (most of the time). It results in a lot of kissed teeth or noses or cheeks.

I could care less. The only harry potter movie I loved was the Wizard People Dear Reader one. And Warner put a stop to that being played in theaters.

Get ready for a bunch of jokes about nailing your 17 year old niece. Starting with this one.

You see, it's strange because she doesn't do anything for me. I would actually probably be afraid to see her gasm chasm. It must be a mess if she's always talking about it.

The fact that she got on tv at all is a success for her.

As long as the zombie didn't eat a bag of dicks, I'm fine with them showing it.

It's called a fivehead.

Fuck you world series. I want my cartoons back.

I hope Mrs. Fingerbottom and Franklin get together to sing songs about frosting and taking fun fun.

He should have just used the same float design he used in batman. It could even spout green smoke. That would be awesome.

So they asked him to design a zombie fetus where's waldo that wears lipstick. Or did he just decide that's what he wanted to do? Because honestly, it looks terrible and I know 10 year olds who could draw a better float. And theirs would probably involve lions with suspenders.

I am a 25 year old powerlifter!

he left out the part where he sends them back after he wins the election.

The punisher just wants his kids back.

It is. Maybe it's the not so great animation. I personally like how it's animated, but I've had people complain who I show it to at my house. It is a hilarious show though.

I'm glad that they renewed The Life and Times of Tim. I would have missed it too much. Whenever I eat tuna, I can't help but say: "Hot tuna, garbage tuna". Like stu-balls whenever he finds the tuna in the trash and can't help but eat it, then get sick.

I always say whores as 'hoors' now.

Yeah, I bet he never actually shoots anyone who he'd want to hit. He's just going to keep shooting innocents.

I totally forgot about that plot. I was more concentrated on the Wiz, but just goes to show how great the episode is.

I can't wait til Junk Mail. I love the Wiz. Nobody beats the Wiz.