Brandon Marlowe and his little

Every time I see her picture off Born to Die, I can't help but think, "Smithers, release the robotic Amy Adams."

I always thought the Politically Correct Position was underrated.
Admittedly, it's no Taking the Persimmon From The Monkey or Bamboo Chopsticks, 2nd variation. But given its ease of execution, it's right up there with Buddha's Flaming Nipples.

Adaptation decay?
It appears the Seth Rogen character has been made more conventionally attractive in order to make the connection "more believable."

Dogma had its moments, but I remember it as wildly uneven. The angel of death is named Loki, yet apparently God doesn't appreciate it if you refer to the Bible as "mythology." You get some mild provocation with the appearance of the 13th apostle (who's black) and then he breaks into aphorisms about the importance of

In all fairness…
Dogma ends up falling back on lame platitudes like, "All that matters is that you have faith."

True, God did make seafood, but he also made clear that eating shellfish is an abomination.

Pork brains, yeah, but canned?
Is there anything good to be said about meat in a can? If God had wanted meat to come in a rigid casing, wouldn't he have given mammals exoskeletons?

Let's face it, for 3000 years the guy's a total badass, smiting and brimstoning all over the place, totally massacring anyone who gets in his way. Then, his people need him to take on the Roman Empire, and what does he do?

I've seen the movie and read the book. The book is fun, if a little too telenovela by way of magical realism, though I liked the inclusion of recipes. I think the movie pulls it off a little better, definitely with a greater sense of humor.

Oh, that is too bad, Mr. Heavy Foot, especially since intestines don't taste anything like calimari. Can you still eat menudo?

Two words, Cap'n: Thomas Ligotti.

Ah, the Books of Blood
I don't think Barker ever quite surpassed the work in his debut.

People, people… it's an aperture.

Too bad
Looks like I'll have to find a new name for my Axl Rose biopic.

Another stumped…
In my seventh grade reading class, we read this short story which freaked me out. It's about this woman who is driving along a country road at night. She picks up a hitchhiker who is wearing tinted shades. As they drive along, he tells her about the dangers of picking up strangers at night.

Comic books
I suspect Duffy got really stoned one night and sat around thinking: What if being Irish was a superhero origin story? Like being from Krypton, but with more booze. That would be awesome!

The Eternal Cumshot of the Hairless Muff

Sellers' Beatles cover
When I first saw Sellers on this list, I thought it was going to be his Dr. Strangelove cover of She Loves You, which creeped me out many years ago on Dr. Demento.