
Similar reaction in the audience when I saw it, but I also felt that it came from a place of discomfort and maybe shock at the extremes of his addiction. I definitely cringe-laughed with recognition of shit that some alcoholic friends have pulled. But that same recognition made most of those scenes simultaneously

Similar reaction in the audience when I saw it, but I also felt that it came from a place of discomfort and maybe shock at the extremes of his addiction. I definitely cringe-laughed with recognition of shit that some alcoholic friends have pulled. But that same recognition made most of those scenes simultaneously

Have to disagree about Davies and interpersonal relationships—he cut his teeth on them in the original Queer as Folk. He did an incredibly subtle job in that series of exploring the dynamic between two best friends, one of whom was in love with the other, and all the baggage that carried. (And if you haven't watched