
Nah, when it comes to going broad, I think Jackson needs no help whatsoever.

What disappointed me most about Journey was how much it tried to ape the structure of Fellowship. The climactic fight between Thorin and that albino orc very much wanted to be as epic as Boromir's death, but fell short on account of it not actually being climactic. No one died, nothing was resolved, and we'll have to

You don't know how lonely it is to be someone who thinks The Two Towers is a major letdown from Fellowship.

I drank beer, the girls were tastefully yet attractively dressed, the dice game was fun and got everyone nice and sloshed, and there were no tomatoes.

I feel like Oderus' answers should've been in all caps.

If you'd said "Caribbean Queen", then our hearts, they'd beat as one.

What, no mention of "A Better Man", Williams' other huge hit?

I'll be watching this because I loved the first one. One of the most subversively intelligent animated films ever. Even has an "it's cool to be smart" message for the kids.

"Luka", Suzanne Vega.

"Just The Way You Are" can drop a panty or two.

I don't know what to think about this review. LoveHKFilm raved about this movie and I generally trust their opinions:

We've all turned into Grumpy Cat!

Yowza, yowza, yowza!

I am Laylowmoe of In-Vitro Fertilization.

I got an idea for a vampire show, I call it Veracity in my Veins.

Huh? A mustachioed and bowler-hatted Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is in MasterChef Junior?


@avclub-c1a181c99ac4568d774b6585bc0a2153:disqus You appear to have missed the part where PID met his admirer alone at night at the admirer's request. Not invitation, request, since "there was something he wanted to discuss" sure doesn't sound like a date. I don't see how you can accuse PID of intentionally leading

One of DS9's most indelible moments for me: Sisko very nearly phasering that smug look right the fuck off of Keevan's face.

I'll say it. I liked all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Yes, even the 4th one, though it's definitely the weakest.