
Jim Caviezel is Remo Williams.

I have only tangentially heard of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. (Which incidentally has a damn catchy main theme song.) Aside from Dead Wife, Replacement Wife and Grieving But Totally Available Widower, there is also Replacement Wife's Bellamy Boyfriend who is perfectly understanding about his girlfriend dumping him for GBTAW.

Bonnie Bedelia is reading this and going "Yeah, that's what you get for sticking me on a goddamn plane for a whole movie, assholes."

I remember it being little more than a typical Aaron Spelling pretty-people-frowning-prettily soap opera when it started out, then gradually getting less ashamed of its source material and delving more into it. One episode had an Assamite!

Steven DeSouza! Guy wrote one of the most perfect action movies of all time, but man, that was just a fluke, wasn't it? Especially when its very own sequel was such crap, but the man himself thought it was every bit as good as the original.

I only got one thing to say: I like "Hands" and I don't care who doesn't.

My friend describes Cars as "the boss' pet project." Considering it's got John Lasseter all over it, I think he's right on the money.

Let's not let this thread dragon forever.

@avclub-9afff0211eb09c350cfc3101fb8ad116:disqus Helps that she was deliberately hitting on Sisko too.

Sandkings: The TV Series!

The New 52 is such a waste of a great concept. If I were EIC of DC, I'd mandate at least 12 months of absolutely no crossovers, deaths, or other big events. Just 52 titles starring 52 characters/teams, with no less than 12 issues written and drawn by creators who fucking love those characters, and that much time and

Aww, you got Jeremy Irons and you didn't pull a Random Roles on him? Who doesn't want to hear him talk about Dungeons and Dragons?

My dad introduced me to Simon and Garfunkel. Thanks Dad.

I don't know about the people, but that dog sure looks happy.

There was a time when I once thought like that. That was when I had a conversation with a girl that, in my mind, went like this:

Goddammit, that stupid Spice Girls song got in my head.

I thought that ending was awesome. The movie has that dizzying mix of tones and themes that Western viewers would probably find jarring as all hell, but is so characteristic of Asian cinema. You got a heavy-handed "war is hell" message, you got morally ambiguous heroes and villains, you got a big weepy tearjerking

Did Little Big Soldier ever get a US release? That was Chan's 2010 period action-comedy film that could arguably be described as a medieval Chinese version of Midnight Run. Great fun.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus I dug the Excalibur. Always struck me as a highly impractical design, but it just looks so cool.

Y'know, I've always had this vague feeling that the Defiant is the TNG Worf of DS9: supposedly badass, but always getting its ass handed to it. It happened in its first appearance in "The Search", and again in "Starship Down". There will be more.