
On the other hand, I really really love the theme song:

Die Hard 2 felt tired and obligatory. And it tried too hard to imitate its predecessor.

Die Hard 2 felt tired and obligatory. And it tried too hard to imitate its predecessor.

I liked Behind Enemy Lines. Don't hurt me.

I liked Behind Enemy Lines. Don't hurt me.

There's also that bit where Young Joe thinks of a way to save Old Joe's wife: he'll remember her face, and when he meets her in the future, he'll deliberately stay away. Since it would mean sacrificing all his memories of her, Old Joe never even considers it.

There's also that bit where Young Joe thinks of a way to save Old Joe's wife: he'll remember her face, and when he meets her in the future, he'll deliberately stay away. Since it would mean sacrificing all his memories of her, Old Joe never even considers it.



Goddamn do I hate animated movies that end with a song-and-dance sequence set to some lame-ass Top 40 dance hit.

Goddamn do I hate animated movies that end with a song-and-dance sequence set to some lame-ass Top 40 dance hit.

Mime a spot-on People's Elbow? Do you know how the People's Elbow actually goes? First you tear off your elbow pads and throw them into the crowd, then wave your arms a little, then bounce off one rope, bounce off the opposite rope, and finally body-slam your elbow onto somebody lying on the floor. You can't do a

Mime a spot-on People's Elbow? Do you know how the People's Elbow actually goes? First you tear off your elbow pads and throw them into the crowd, then wave your arms a little, then bounce off one rope, bounce off the opposite rope, and finally body-slam your elbow onto somebody lying on the floor. You can't do a

I am disappointed and angry that there will never be sequels to Zombieland.

I am disappointed and angry that there will never be sequels to Zombieland.

No, you gotta quote the whole thing: "You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have been found wanting."

No, you gotta quote the whole thing: "You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have been found wanting."

@avclub-de6d4d92517bcc9796851b0c144c263b:disqus Haven't really explored the sleazy side of the nightlife in China. But here in Malaysia, these hostesses - also known as "PR girls" - are generally not prostitutes, and they'd be highly offended by the notion. Quite a few have told me of sexual propositions by wealthy

@avclub-de6d4d92517bcc9796851b0c144c263b:disqus Haven't really explored the sleazy side of the nightlife in China. But here in Malaysia, these hostesses - also known as "PR girls" - are generally not prostitutes, and they'd be highly offended by the notion. Quite a few have told me of sexual propositions by wealthy

And yet, everyone on DS9 eats at the Replimat. Whatever happened to the Klingon sushi bar? And even if you're not a fan of gagh, why is there not a Bajoran lunch counter or something?