
The two of them on the floor, having gotten into the "inappropriate starches" like teenagers was just priceless. And whatever your opinion of Topher's pantslessness, it was pretty great that he played half of that scene on the phone, trying to be serious on the phone before the camera eventually tracked back to show

But again, I think that Coach has a lot more pressure on him than the average high school coach. That' s what they try to highlight with this show - high school football in TX is more of a pressure cooker for everyone than it is elsewhere in the country. I mean, Coach can't even really tell Buddy Garrity off after

A small moment.
I loved that Grizz faked being in a tunnel from a landline when Jack was looking for Tracy, but then picked up the cell because he fucking represents Adam West. Outstanding attention to detail. :)

The Pope
For me, it's the moment in Hudson Hawk when The Pope poundsd the TV with his scepter to get better rececption on Mr. Ed.

Yeah, I went back and checked. He says, "I hate it here." Or rather, he sobs it through a nose full of snot.

Yeah, Buddy will have EVEN MORE time to be a pain in coach's ass. And for that I am grateful.

I totally left out the Vincent episode. Probably takes the place of Sun/Jin.

If I'm right, there are 17 hours in his season. For fun, let's assume that each hour has a character focus. That means that there are 7 characters who need more wrap up before we close out the season. So who has info we need a little closure on before we wrap the season?

You win Wikipedia!

I imagine being trapped in a room with Will Oldham and Todd Oldham would be a nightmare, unless Will played his songs loud enough that Todd couldn't talk to me.

To flog a personal argument, this illustrates what always made me love Lost waaaay more than BSG. BSG had no Hurley, no one to initiate play. It seems much more human to me for people in crisis to, once the survival basics are established, to goof off a little. Build a golf course, ride around in the Darma van…much

Frankly, unless they made it reeeeally awesome, I'd find killing off Sayid unforgivable. The dude is so much more interesting to me than say, Jack or Kate. But I agree that it looks a little like they're boiling his storyline down to, "he's a killer!" which could definitely be them tying him up with a bow for his

Sugarcube? That's it, I'm getting a new TV. I also still can't see the woman lurking behind Sun when I watch on my TV either. The Island doesn't want me to know!

I hear that the Vincent episode isn't until closer to the end of the season.

I definitely agree that things are changing, or at least should be, @we want. It'd be kind of cool if the Island developed its own "corrective measures," though. The more drastic, the cooler.

I figured it was just straight Sodium Pentathol.

@Sincere: Young Ben referred to his father in the past tense as he let Sayid out. I think they were trying to imply otherwise.

I imagine his station would be "The Douche."

OK, but no Sheen.

He couldn't have a long conversation with Sayid, because of the camera, as well. It would have raised too many questions. What I'm curious to see is whether LaFleur is really trying to stay cool with the DI because it's a useful perch from which to figure out how to get back to their own time, or whether it's