Do we think Ben kills all of our friends and places them in a mass grave?
Do we think Ben kills all of our friends and places them in a mass grave?
not a shock
I can't say I'm blown away that Friday primetime shows are the ones that get DVR'd.
Well, there's been Transmet love all over the boards already, so I thought I'd leave off. And Planetary is also awesome, but I'm not sure it would be a good movie - I think it might look derivative. Also, it needs a damn ending. :)
Nice. :)
I'd love to see the first volume of The Authority, or No Hero, or Anna Mercury, or Desolation Jones (I think DJ was going to be adapted at some point, but I haven't heard anything in awhile). I love Doktor Sleepless, but I don't see it making the adaptation successfully.
(Maybe I don't have to do this, but Sandman spoilers follow)
I wouldn't have picked "Season of Mists" though. It's a really awesome self-contained story no doubt, but can you imagine trying to shake loose the money for a very expensive Agatha Christie murder mystery/drawing room comedy?
Yeah, I thought the songs were way too disconnected from the rest of the material, and not that funny (the line about familiars aside). But the rest of the episode was hilarious to me. The Simon and Garfunkle humor, the Prime Minister's belief in the Matrix, and the tying it all together with the Prime Minister's…
"…but soap operas are rarely this dense, satisfying, or eventful."
Yeah, that absolutely seemed like a possibility! I can only imagine we'll seem something like that sooner or later.
Well that's just it though - she's also the producer, and she's looking to change up her relationship to the business a bit (see ST's interview and a few of the others she has been doing lately). She could easily decide that she wanted to keep producing and share the spotlight with other actresses and actors. I'm…
I guess the basis for what I'm thinking of is more that by putting any two things into a set (i.e. set "Boomer"), they have a default association. So less of a literal discussion, and more of a free-associative discussion of what makes the characters similar and different. More of a loose and speculative thing, you…
I decided it was deliberate because the locker door was open a crack. And she was totally controlling the blocking there…
My default assumption is that the nuance is deliberately being avoided in these "pick up an audience" episodes, so I forgive it. But if I'm wrong in the long run though, I'll be sorely disappointed.
The fact that Echo seems to be gaining herself back at a reasonably quick pace gave me a kind of cool idea - what if Echo/Caroline ended up making it out at the end of the first or second season, not really remembering her time in the Dollhouse, and the focus of the show passed to another active or group of…
Oh no!
I really liked this episode - more than the other two, anyway. For me, the underlying ideas of the show started to feel like a real engine. During every moment Echo and Sierra were in a scene together, not knowing who the other was, the premise was giving me the right kind of creepies. And the idea that human…
The moment that not having Saracen really hurt was when JD was fucking up on the field. Really, FNL? You couldn't afford one cutaway to Matty riding the pine and maybe getting a little hopeful?
They did leap forward a year we never even saw…
I didn't really love Starbuck and her dad, but the rest of this episode ended up eating like a meal. This was the kind of satisfaction I'd been hoping for all season. Huzzah!
"snap" resolutions
A solid word choice for a football show. :)
Yum: 100% agreed!