
That's a good point, Yummsh, but I do think that Lost is better than most shows about having really great "throwaway" details in every frame, so maybe we can get some of this trickling out in the background…? Possibly as the Black Rock storyline unfolds…? A fella can dream (and not have to buy a book)…

Although didn't Christian appear on the freighter right before it blew up? That seems like a "not alive" thing to do.

Well, those types of organizations do make you wear your team shirt, and they tend to build the same types of buildings repeatedly (same schematics etc.). I wouldn't read too much into it.

I'd love to see an episode in the future where we see all the names people have tried to give it over time - callow, self-indulgent mapmakers like Amerigo Vespucci who named it after themselves, other explorers naming it for their patrons or rulers, Polynesians who moved it into their religions - only to find out that

I think Giacchino is one of the most unsung reasons for this show's awesomeness. He regularly gives this TV show the most innovative and cinematic scoring. Everything is almost alien, and even when it's not, say the more wistful themes, they're still much more unconventional than your average TV score.


Then the question becomes, "why wouldn't he know who Ben is, and why wouldn't he have just killed him?"

Tonight I was bothered by Kate. Her lines to Locke felt…too straight-forward maybe? I just don't get the sense that she would think about Locke enough to have a revelation about his lovelife and I don't think she would just come out and say that to him. It was weird.

Apparently, that window of opportunity has closed. Perhaps the resurgent plotline will bring that particular piece of merch back.

(and by "get there" I mean "are better than the fair to good stuff we're seeing now").

That seems a little too "conspiracy theory" for me. I mean, eventually those episodes would make it out and the producers (Joss, Eliza etc.) would be held accountable, rep-wise. That'd be pretty dumb. I think the only incentive to say "wait for ep. 6" is if things actually do get there…

Throw in Calculon and it's "All My Circuits." This show drives me so crazy.

"It all comes back to Echo…"
I can't wait for the sixth episode either. I'm hoping it will save us from really on the nose observations like the one above. I actually felt bad for Lennix that he had to deliver that line.

Yeah, Echo's shoulder slap was…not right. Maybe she can't remember how to do it right?

I would absolutely buy whatever to get a Crucifictorous t-shirt. I've been waiting a long time for their return, and my gf and I just about jumped out of our seats in glee. The new girl looks like just the right kind of trouble for Landry - the hilarious kind.

I also just noticed that in the TV Guide notes, his name is Caesar. This could have all kinds of implications, depending on which aspect(s) of Julius Caesar they go with, but since he's appearing at a time when "our guys" are deep in the New Testament, it's kind of safe to assume he's trouble.

I like the Kate as Charlie idea more and more. She has a secret, feels totally alienated and is separated from a kind of dependency - i.e. Aaron allowed her to embrace a new identity. She's sitting in the same posture as Charlie, with similar glasses on … it starts to add up.

Maybe he's being extradited (expeditiously) to Iraq. Whatever it is, I feel comfortable assuming that Ben got him there somehow.

balaclava, I had the same thought. Her posture's pretty similar to Charile's as well.

I miss Teeny, too. I think having a younger kid around keeps Barb anchored and a little happier.