
Oh Scandal..the way you keep me up Thursday nights…

I think she is portrayed as a woman who has her professional life together, but a messy personal life. She even says tonight that she isn't sure about Jake but she can't trust her gut when it comes to men.

Thanks for the Scandal review!

I was just about to make this commment. That was very hot. I rewound for a second look.

So can I safely assume, that Barney and Robin go through with the wedding, since we got a reception scene?

I'm being too easy. But I loved this episode and gave it an A- for the
following reasons:

I'm being too easy. But I loved this episode and gave it an A- for the
following reasons:

I agree. The episode felt disjointed—maybe because there was no scene with everyone at their booth at the bar. It mad it seem like a different, slightly less funny show.

I agree. The episode felt disjointed—maybe because there was no scene with everyone at their booth at the bar. It mad it seem like a different, slightly less funny show.

I gave it an A- just for that reason. I couldn't breathe, I was laughing so hard. Best grown man sounding like a 7-year old girl ever!

I gave it an A- just for that reason. I couldn't breathe, I was laughing so hard. Best grown man sounding like a 7-year old girl ever!