
Holy shit, does anyone know what happened during the civil war? Now that there are no statues, I've forgotten that chunk of history entirely.

' "She's…prohibited from taking pictures or video of people without their permission or having a camera “in places where people might be naked or expect privacy.” '

When I was younger I was like "Everyone in Fight Club makes valid points and it doesn't really come down clearly on either side." The older I get, the clearer it becomes that Jack, Tyler and Martha are all total morons.

Matt Reeves is a solid choice but unlike Affleck, I don't think he has the clout to stand up to the DC exec stupidity steamroller.

I guess it's an expectations thing. While there are plenty of people in original the code of conduct (TM Mark Kermode ) the basic assumption is that you try not to have other people aware of you beyond involuntary responsors like laughing or screaming.

They aren't bad writers but the first 4 issues of their runs didn't inspire me. There was some fun cyclops stuff in Hopless's book but I found I just lost interest.

I know Bendis run of the xbooks was deeply flawed but I enjoyed it. Most importantly it had a take. The best Xmen runs have a specific angle.

People who talk, yell or clap int he cinema are the worst. You can gasp, scream, laugh or (very occasionally) whisper brefly to your friend. This is a communal space that people have paid to enjoy a movie in, not listen to some random other bozos. Yeah? That's it, I said bozos.

Wow, I was happily surprised when z lister Caliban made it into the terrible X Men apocalypse. Now he's a central character in the new Wolverine film too and played by Stephen Merchant to boot. Truly this is a victory for obscure x characters everywhere. Somewhere out there, Rusty, skids, Maggot, Marrow and Skin are

I'm not trying to tone police you or asking to be molly coddled. I'm merely suggesting you try the basic civility that is the default tone of most posts on this site, regardless of gender.

I dunno, the mutiplatform games always ran better on the SNES. And while Sega had some grrat games personally I'll take Mario world, Mario all stars, donkey Kong, Mario kart, Metroid, Super Star Wars etc over the Mega Drive/Genesis exclusives.

The Directors Chair series is great fun. Rodriguez fan boys iconic directors for an hour at a time. Loads of great anecdotes and inside stories. Though to be fair they're all on YouTube.

But that was when there was no alternative medium. We live in a steating world now. It's not like anyone listneed to this on Netflix and thought they were missing out on that vinyl warmth.

I would love Dan Harmon to write Marvel movie. Partially because I'm a fan of his writing but mostly to see what happens when the Disney Marvel braintrust suggestions meets Harmon 's tactful approach to with exec notes.

Adventures in screen trade is considered the gold standard. For filmmakinv advice, Lumet's book covers most aspects and is a light, easy read by a master. The diaries for Sex Lies and Videotape and El Miriachi really capture the feel if doing indie movies. I think everyone interested in film should read at least part

It's worth noting that the e-mails saying that it was terrible and reviled opened with them saying that internally they're very excited about two movies testing through the roof with audiences: "Annie" and "Paul Blart Mall Cop 2".

This reminds me of the episode of Clarissa Explains It All where she became obsessed with seeing Pearl Jam. I was too young to know who PJ were, but my brother was very sceptical that Clarissa was a fan.

This reminds me of the episode of Clarissa Explains It All where she became obsessed with seeing Pearl Jam. I was too young to know who PJ were, but my brother was very sceptical that Clarissa was a fan.