
Check that - I forgot about "Ninety Miles Away" from Season 6.  THAT was terrible.

Was wondering if anyone was going to get into the West Wing, which is my fave show.  I personally don't have any problem with "I & I", because it's still got enough of Sorkin's wit and is more like a standalone morality play than anything else.  For me, the worst of the WW is just about anything from Season 5,

I guess that I can appreciate the justification of including their marketing in your critique if you're couching it in terms of it being self-promotion, and geared towards describing them as some sort of revolutionary band. However, like someone else mentioned, I live overseas, and I either don't get or don't bother

I'd have to agree. Not really sure where the grade comes from, based on the incomplete review. I would peg the sound more as British Sea Power or EITS than any of the "hipster" crap the reviewer mentioned. And don't ever bring KOL into the discussion.

Also underwhelmed
And I know that it's our own fault, since it was open to voting, but how many times do some of these songs need to be covered? It looks like a lot of people picked what they thought would sound ironic when sung by some indie band, rather than choosing what could be a fresh cover of a great song.

It really is that bad
And I'm a huge fan of R & C, and to a lesser extent, Loyalty, as others have said. I wondered why all of the (bad) reviews mentioned the Kings of Leon producer, and after listening to it, I understand why. It does sound like slicked-up radio rock. Heartily disappointed, since they're a band I

I've also decided Areola Borealis would be a nice name, if it's not already been taken.

Scary Areolas
Far be it from me to try to improve on what already appears to be a success, but wouldn't something like Scareolas or Scaryolas - something portmanteau-ish - be a little more clever?

GBV vs Batman Forever
I ridiculously passed up seeing Guided By Voices play a house party at which Kim Deal was supposed to stop by and join in to see freaking Batman Forever on its opening weekend. It took a long time to forgive myself.

All I could think of off the top of my head, too - but to be fair, I don't think I listen to a lot of songs in this category. Aaaaand now it's going to be stuck in my head all night.