senor awesome

didn't he teach at Hogwarts?

It's funny because six million people died.

The Bravery?
What happened, were The Killers unavailable?

Are we going to start seeing (pbuh) after Muhammed now?

One day, Noel Murray will be walking down the street and a nuclear missile will come rocketing toward him. His last words will be "Ohh, I've wasted my life."

I Appreciate The Muppets On A Much Deeper Level Than You
Do I appreciate this episode on an entirely new level thanks to this pop cultural mapping, or has it been ruined because of an exhaustive, "this-is-why-it's-funny" dissection? As Rainier Wolfcastle would say: "That's the joke…"

Is it just me or does the album cover look like something out of one of those upgrade box things from Bioshock.

I thought these were the guys that made "Percussion Gun" up until seeing your comment. fuck!

How does it compare with the Willy Wonka remake?
Another ultimately disappointing Johnny Depp acid trip?

I have an idea!
Lets throw our money into a bottomless pit instead.

Misogynism? Hardly…
If anyone should be upset over this advertisement it is men. We are being portrayed as seething, emasculated imbeciles who can only achieve erection when presented with a shiny new Dodge Charger. And what is Ms. Fegan's response? To make an ad stereotyping men further (loser friends! fantasy

de rigueur…
de rigueur!

he's certainly not the first rocker to die of this

I got bored with this one pretty quickly
But their last album, Little Kingdom, was phenomenal. That's right, phenomenal.

The NHL should sue the creators of this movie…
…for setting the sport back 20 years. This is worse than Norbit was for black people.