
I think the Amelie's title indicates she knew it was a bit in the "I'm serious. Or AM I?" vein. She just considers it a poor effort.

They could have lopped off 30 minutes by just eliminating all of the pregnant pauses between "I don't like having to tell you…………" and "you made it through!"

L.A. Story

I always thought Clay Aikman was a Hall of Famer for the Cowboys.

The fools at Comcast only charge me $12.95 a month. I'd pay $100, and when I die, they'll pry it from my…

Your "rat's ass" logic is faultless.

Did anyone else read "Cera caves" and think, "I gotta brush up on my Latin"?

Don't condescend me, man. I'll fuckin' kill ya, man.

I have found most $50 steaks to be well-marbled.

mmm…Unisex Corduroy Slim Slack.


@Snape Kills Trinity with Rosebud:

Q. What is best in life?

Late to the party, but…

All I know is it's gonna be a blue monday for the kidnappers after the damage is done.

If you don't become old, bitter, and obsessed with kids on your lawn, then the opportunity for the pithy two-word obit "Ba. Humbug." will be lost.

I kinda liked "If you seek Amy with a big ol' divining rod."

"the coolest Republicans" has to be one of the shortest lists in existence. There's Arnold, then there's…

More love for Powerage.

Up In Smoke? Third-rate?? I think not!