
Yeah, you're not getting the character at all.

Anyone else get a creepy Black Mirror vibe from this episode?

It's been three awful reviews now. After a certain point, I will just stop reading them, and then I won't even need to express my incredulity.

"Another week, another title I don’t understand."

The casinos only have to withhold winnings and report them to the IRS at certain thresholds.

"So: Why does he bet on red at the casino? Why not black?"

I hope she's hot because she can't review for shit

So fucking true.

This is ridiculously obvious in the show, and the reviewer's complete obliviousness is embarrassing to this entire web site.

Sonia, do you even watch the show you review?

They could have called the character Lindsay Lohan and the case still would have been dismissed. How do Lohan's lawyers ethically file this suit knowing parody is absolutely protected speech and their client is a public figure?

I think again I would say that the characters' questions will quickly become forward-facing, instead of oriented toward the past.

Well, it's hardly "unrelated," since it's also borderline genre drama with fringe supernatural elements made by the same showrunner as The Leftovers, but Lost is certainly on the list.

The central mystery of The Leftovers isn't "what happened to those people who disappeared?"

One of the GR's biggest goals is to provoke people. Smoking IS annoying, you are right. Smoking also puts the GR's members out in public, it makes them more visible, calls attention to them, and gives them something to do while they are watching their assignments.

I am saying that the actual television experience of watching GOT is better knowing exactly who everyone is and exactly what is going to happen.

Also, I am sorry, "Sonia Saraiya," but how is it possible to be qualified as a television critic on one of the leading critical outlets in the world without having "gotten to" Lost, a show (along with the Sopranos) that revolutionized television and legitimized it as a contender for the Leading Storytelling Medium of

Excellent pilot. I think it lagged a bit around the middle, but the opening and ending were so strong. I'd have to give it an A-.

I was super excited for the Leftovers adaptation. I could have gone in fresh and unspoiled, but I know from my ASOIAF/Game of Thrones all-consuming experience that it's actually better to watch with a knowledge of the universe.

LITTLE HARD FOR YUNKAI TO HERALD PIZZA RIGHT NOW CONSIDERING THEY'RE INFECTED WITH THE PALE MARE AND NOWHERE NEAR DANY. This is Meereen. Also, In episode 2F09 when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what