Facsimile Thereof

Like roll one up.

Of all the words for "attractive," you had to land at "comely"? Given the subject matter that's A LITTLE STRANGE.

So the skyping is mostly an exposition-delivery device; I can buy that. I'd been figuring, though, that it was a way of getting both characters to share scenes without having to resort to (awkward; constraining) body doubles or (expensive) effects. If not for that, Cosima could have done her research in a more

Vic and his severed finger could team up!

The white-chick dreadlocks plus hipster glasses make for a really great look (somehow). I gotta vote Cosima, even though those yoga pants were (in a past episode) amazing.

When she mentioned she was getting odd backup, I thought it would be Vic (Helena makes more sense).

Thanks so much! While watching, I had assumed she was passing him some sort of blade to help him cut himself loose, but then that never happened.

Could you explain the coat thing, please?


It just struck me as an economical way to bring together a few (mostly unwelcome, mind you) things: the non-Platonic stuff we have been getting more of; the show's tendency to bring River back at the slightest pretext (I did see the previews for the finale); the mystery of Clara's identity. The Doctor's marital status

Heh. Well-said on all counts. Thanks!

I have to think their presence must have been motivated by outside-the-narrative reasons, e.g., viewership demographics.

Man, with the exact same "ingredients," a really cool season would be very doable. I dunno why we got such a degree of aimlessness. I enjoyed every part, but faced now with the fact that we are *at the end*, it just seems lacking in actual content, in retrospect.

That dress *was* awesome.

He can't come back a millisecond after he left?

Got a sandwich for his trouble, at least.

Maybe it's Cyberman!Doctor talking. Dunno. It rubbed me the wrong way as well.

I worry that, to clear the decks for the Doctor guiltlessly romancing her, she will be revealed as a reincarnation of River Song.

And most of her eyebrows are too long!

It was *so* self-serious that I thought it would be revealed, ultimately, as tongue-in-cheek. But no. WAY, WAY, WAY too "Let me just tell you what I'm feeling and thinking."