
I don't think I could bring myself to read it again. The funny parts were great, the rest of it got kinda boring. I know he hates religion, and he can be very funny about it, but he kept going back to that well. It got old very fast.

Hold on, I'll be back in two minutes.

No beef bowl or hecklers at the 10 PM show. Or maybe he yelled at someone for leaving, I forget. But mostly the crowd was with him all the way, it was great.

Crank fucking rules
I can't wait for this shit, it's going to be…

I think they're hoping for some crossover appeal to the Prussian Blue crowd.

Dominic West takes on the role of a lifetime
as a cop, according to the picture in that article.

All the girls I know (3)
also like The Sweetest Thing for some reason. I've only seen one part where Cameron Diaz gets poked in the eye with a dong and some other chick gets sprayed by a urinal. Except it was on Comedy Central so there was actual donging.

Well, I'm not even sure that's a crime anymore. There've been a lot of changes in the law.