Eric L

I don't think Walt deserved that ending.  He's no anti-hero, but this episode tried to make him into one.

You mean Mumford and Sons and not Kings of Leon right?

Family Circus?  That's a little harsh.  For a show this old to consistently put out B episodes week in and week out is a minor miracle.  The last time a family sitcom settled into such an effortless grove may be Everybody Loves Raymond.

Of course he loves the fiercely independent people of Scotland, voting to secede from England, brewers of fine spirits, eaters of all meats, and rugged outdoorsmen.  We should have seen that coming.

Actors should generally avoid casting themselves in their directorial debuts, especially if they are actors first.  Clint Eastood is the exception.

No way!  Girls have cooties.


Yeah, this show is solid.  Astoundingly solid.

I know someone exactly like you describe.  She keeps a particular type of clothes, but it was to the point that they were in the free space in the house had racks of dresses.  Other than that, lovely woman.

Occasionally they do a follow up show and some of them have managed to get help and keep clean using the aftercare funds the producers provide.  Most Health Plans don't cover mental illness.  The show offered money for care and a free clean up crew.

But what about TLC's Hoarding: Buried Alive?  I better gather as many of those as I can and keep them in my Amazon Prime que.  Their value will only go up.

He had a late turn where his lyrics became very heavy handed.  That turned a lot of people off.  I think his legacy will be better than his current rep.

The problem with Phil Col.ins has always been his somewhat ridiculous screen presence.  The 80's and 90's were a video generation.  We don't remember the songs as much as we recall the videos around them.  On camera he's affable, harmless, and goofy no matter what he does.  That doesn't work for the music that he

Yah, bro, but what I really like is that she's not completely drop dead gorgeous.  I was terrified that they would find a knockout or almost knockout for him.  I'd even wager to say she's not as attractive as most of his women, and that's absolutely perfect.

"8. Dexter kills a handcuffed Saxon in a police interrogation room. But it's okay, because in Florida, this is self-defense."
Let's be fair to the show.  That's an accurate legal definition of self-defense in Florida.

There was a time in the 80's when just about every single big theater show either went to or came out of intermission with a huge cross sung exposatory number.  It made me want to hurl myself off the balcony and on to the stage shouting the same thing Javert did in the skit.

I agree.

That's a really great movie.

Same here.  I didn't even crack a smile at Dads.  I didn't laugh during Nine-Nine but I was entertained the entire time.  I smiled a lot, and it gave me the same feeling I got as the first season of Parks and Rec wore on.  There's something nice here.  I hope they get there.

I hate this song too, but damn it if I don't listen to it every time it's on the oldies station.