Eric L


Why do people keep dropping songs when releasing them would be so much safer?

This is the most believable lawsuit I've ever heard.

Eh, I sort of feel bad for Carey having to follow in the footsteps of a legend.  He can be a bit too flippant and sometimes aims for the joke instead of the human element Barker was so good at.  That said, he's improved greatly from the early days and has curtailed his bad habits of saying, "awww too bad" after every

In recent years they've played up the anti-social jerk side of his personality a little too much.  In comics he used to, and sometimes still does, have a nicely developed dry humor that he employs to throw everyone off base from time to time.

Episode?  That's my favorite moment of the whole series.  Perfectly in character, absolutely true, and Batman's reaction is ideal.

The man is the opposite of whatever it is this show needs. He's the worst game show host I've ever seen.  He could care less about the contestants.  He's not sorry someone lost, he's not excited for the winner.  He buries his face in the monitor throughout every match.  When interviewing someone in the chair he keeps

Mexicans are everywhere?  Good lord!  We need to build a fence or something…

Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.  Book by John Weidman.

HA!  You called this show history.

Killing Kennedy is a great history book that does not overly rely on things like history and what actually happened to make it's point.

An evil robot.

It takes courage to hold the minority opinion.  Especially when the minority opinion is "Miyazaki?  meh.  Too many wood sprites."

This is what happens when classic and beloved tales suddenly fall into the public domain.  I may not be a fan of current copright law, but if it can keep things like 15 versions of a story coming out in short order because suddenly anyone can use the characters from happening I'd be the first to write my congresman.

When I heard the story idea I thought, "This could be nuts in a great silver-age way."  I mean, imagine that whatever version of his past he's decided on this week is actually the silver age of comics as filtered through his eyes.  Because the Joker and his pet gorilla could be awesomely silverific.

"The Jar" is my favorite Bradbury story.  It's a brilliant twist Bradbury's stock evocation of small town America (which I almost never get tired of).  Instead of an idealistic hamlet with a little sinister thrown it it's populated by bored people desperate for something, anything, to give their lives a little

We need an entire TV show dedicated to Alec Baldwin beating up paparazzi.

Ben Kinglsey has that wonderful trait that some English Actors, like Michael Caine and Helen Mirren, have where they will literally be in any movie.  
Hollywood Blockbuster?  I'm there!
Uwe Boll calling?  I'm available!
Awards bait biography?  Get me to makeup!
Video Game voice over?  Sent the guy to my trailer!
Art film

Technically the same thing, although not always the same thing in practice.

Rube Goldberg devices are in a lot of kids films.  Home Alone has them as a major defense system so I went with that one.