Eric L

Mom was always at any William Castle film opening day.  She said that in the theater the best of them, like this one, were hurt by the shlock.  When Emergo came over the audience everyone's attention was immediately was taken out of the film.  It's a great movie on it's own.  In other cases, like with the Tingler, it

Agreed.   There is a moment at the Stich show at WDW, a bad show, btw, where the character "bounces" on your shoulders and I thought immediately of Emergos feet brushing the top of your head.

With the loss of Hollywood Squares, The Match Game, and Battle of the Network Stars (all shows that are pretty much custom made for performers like Martin Short) we lost a kind of trivial hang out sillyness that was once all over TV.  I'm glad this exists and happy that they've managed to strike the right tone.  Even

Something like, "I'm sorry Joe.  The seven dollar an hour part time worker who cut this put a lot of pride into it.  I understand that when he lost a finger due to poor training and lack of health insurance he didn't mind because of his love for his work and respect for the choice grade hormone filled industrial farm

He's said to have turned down:
Forrest Gump
Chicago (Billy Flynn)
An Officer and a Gentleman
American Gigolo
The Green Mile.  
Days of Heaven
Grandview, U.S.A.
Oliver Stone's World Trade Center movie
and priced himself out of Donnie Brosco and Resivior Dogs.

Never thought of that comparison, but it's dead on.

Tiny Tim = Musician!
Daft Punk = Not Musicians!

Everyone Says I Love You is absolutely delightful if you can tune in to it's vibe.

1) Annie Hall
2) Purple Rose
3) Crimes and Misdemanors
4) Hannah and Her Sisters
5) Radio Days
6) Take the Money and Run

None of his films sound like real talking.  That's part of his thing.

The great news is I don't have to see the ones that suck.  I can skip "Scoops" and "Curse of the Jade Scorpion" and still enjoy "Match Point" and "Midnight in Paris."

Hey, I see how that works.  Dock and cock rhyme and it's a rhyme ment for kids that is now lewd that's what makes it funny. Unlike limericks, which are only mildy amusing when read by a legendary news anchor.

It's a thing.  That's enough.

I'm still mad at ABC Family for still showing The 700 Club.  And yes, I know that it was part of the terms of the former Family channel to ABC but it doesn't mean I'm less mad.

I've never been able to figure out why every gym I've gone to here in liberal Connecticut seems to be turned to FOX news, FOX Business, or ESPN.  I wonder if they have some kind of contract.

Mr. Furley's going to be so confused!  "But wait she's related to you?  Not you?  And you two?  The boy?  ooooohhh" (eyes bulge)

They are employing some fine grips and gang bosses.  Good Union jobs.

I don't need one.  I used to doodle naked Bea Aurthurs on my math notebook in High School.

Of all the styles to catch on, it had to be harajuku.

But that's the style Mariah Carey popularized!  Connick is dissing the style she and her contemporaries created in the 80's mistaking hitting notes all over their range for emoting.  For example, see Whitney Houston's "So Emotional."