Bill McNeill

So, not only are there couches in the ladies' room…there are also free prescription drugs as well, huh, Ban?

@PC: put Frankie Munyoze's nads in a vice and crank it all the way down.

Alright, then…two and half intermission-free hours of…STEWART!!!!

Oooh…someone's a Tyler Perry fan!!!

Good God. Dare we enquire as to what his pubes are capable of?

I enjoy a bit of well-wrought T&A as much as the next y-chromosome carrier, but only as an aperitif to the heady grog of wholesale slaughter and destruction.

Sucks to be you, eh, Clueless?

"Sailor Moon Mommie Love You LONG TIME!!!"

They always beat me with a cartridge belt. With a cartridge in every single loop. Until the cartridges started going off. That's when I knew the beating was almost over.

St. Paul was the one who wrote about putting away childish things. Learned that from a Jack Chick comic book reviling the Jesuits as agents of Satan. Always thought St. Paul was right much of a gas bag. Always thought Jack Chick wished he'd been Billy Graham. Or Oral Roberts. I suppose if I'd washed out as a