
Rolling on the floor lethally is said to be the most pleasant way to go. . .

What else is life for, but to find something you love and do it until the day you die?

In a battle this epic, it's prudent to bring a venerable Colonel onto your team, yet I fear Kroeger has an easy countermove at hand: enlist the support of General Tso.

Include a pimp with an inexplicably wandering accent or GTFO.

As if a meetup where people are forced to sit on each others' laps is a bad thing.

For best results, try switching hands for your slow, rolling stroke so you don't get too accustomed to one particular grip.

I guess that means it's time to activate Life Plan Z: operating an escort service specializing in finger banging septuagenarian widows.

Upvoted upvoted upvoted upvoted upvoted.

Oh, that males sense, neat.

I thought that was implied in my comment, yes.

Stanford's CS building actually is named after one William J. Gates but I'm pretty sure that wasn't it. It looked like there was a shot of the corner of the Quad that would put the buiilding on the wrong side of Serra Mall, and also there should have been a fountain in the middle of the road.

That dog was an asshole and a weirdo. Most canine spirit guides just want you to run around in the park with them.

Zooey and Emily Deschanel.

*attempts probe of Uranus*

Like pubic relations!

You know what, I have a ball. Perhaps you'd like to bounce it.

Time keeps on slipping, slipping into the Future.

Right but Westeros doesn't have Rob Huebel so that's what you'd mainly be getting out of the experience.
