
How about… ghost mutt?

So no indications about whether the movie still contains the book's provocative "take over the world by blogging" plotline?

I never saw World War Z but I think the references makes sense as is, since Zombie Apocalypse® is kind of such a generalized thing that's spread throughout beyond stupid movies like World War Z to basically real life. Remember when for some a homeless guy eating another guy's face sparked a crazy of clickbaitty blog

This sounds like Kenny vs. Spenny without any of the brobro fun and compelling characters.

You kidding? The nipple is just a cipher for the many conflicts that exist within the Super Bowl as The Most Popular Television Broadcast In America. There's obvious bit that Janet's nipple was nowhere near as offensive as the many sexist commercials that bookended it. Or what about the less obvious fact that people

Well, there's only two things I can think of, and I'm not sure if either qualifies:

But seriously, it's like artful how tone deaf the writing is. It's obvious that no one involved with making this clip has read any writing on music, maybe ever. Like just straight up nobody who's not Kanye has ever said "he's been compared to Hitler, Walt Disney, and even Steve Jobs". Plus, the guy's not willing to

As someone who regularly writes Patrick Bateman style reviews of my favorite albums in my head before I decide to not kill someone the writing in this makes me really sad. I have plenty of friends I went to school with who could have written much better crit-bullshit about the last two Kanye albums.

I'm surprised Cheers even got nominated! I put it first in a long post of increasingly "ironic" nominations, so I'm just glad somebody took that post seriously in the first place. I'm assuming though that it won't get the full roundtable look, so here's my increasingly "ironic" one man roundtable, if anybody cares for

Got here relatively quick enough that I feel good leaving a short list -

This is definitely way way too harsh. I didn't laugh as much at this episode as a classic episode of Community but this had all the elements I've been missing so far this year - classes, the study room, a little bit of parody played straight for story-telling, even Chang. Most of all it featured Greendale. While Dan

This might be a half asleep/half drunk at 5 am thing, but what if instead of doing gritty adaptations of the same like ten fairy tales we could just make some regular movies of basically any other fairy tale, especially from the Grimm vault. Literally every one of those stories is public domain and already "market

As someone who takes Bob Dylan's music 500% seriously I have to say this song is incredible and Tim Heidecker should just quit comedy and record all the new Bob Dylan albums from now on.