Johnny Wiseau

It could come with a code to get Mew in the new Pokemon games. Don't just accuse Sir Paul of lying like that.

Keep the downvotes. Bye!


Not gonna lie, if Artie Lange said that, I would be disturbed.

Hi doggie!

I am prepared to play the black woman. Please give me call.

Irreverence, not irrelevance.

I admit I was tempted to ironically downvote.

How dare you.

It begins.

So true. All the dregs of society post on AV Club.

I'm telling Pepsi Sr.

Nickelback lyrics: HEY-YEY I WANNA BE THE GUY

Especially purple and green ones, motherfucker.

Dig em up OH OH!


You need a wedgie, nerd?

"Younglings".  What the fuck, George?

I cried.

I seriously had a mental image of Grandpa Simpson waving his cane as I was reading this.