Mister Lou

The bad guy has the human hero pinned into a corner. Suddenly, the anthropomorphic Tonka Truck, speeding in reverse, slams the bad guy out of the way. "It looked like he needed some back up."

Ultimately I'm angrier at Twilight, but it's hard not to be mad at Dawn, especially when she screeches "Get out. GET OUT. GET OUUUUUUT!"

Ultimately I'm angrier at Twilight, but it's hard not to be mad at Dawn, especially when she screeches "Get out. GET OUT. GET OUUUUUUT!"

Was that supposed to be Ebert, or is it Gollum trying to talk through his BDSM mask?

Was that supposed to be Ebert, or is it Gollum trying to talk through his BDSM mask?

I'm assuming it's this one:

I'm assuming it's this one:



I was going to post the same sentiment, but you said it much better than I would have.

I was going to post the same sentiment, but you said it much better than I would have.

Yes, and a Roomba.

Yes, and a Roomba.

@avclub-33beffd09a1b020d1187c6b4b264014a:disqus  I read "—Space Pirates" and immediately heard it in my head as Bob Odenkirk saying "…space plans."

"Lesbian Nazi hookers abducted by UFOs and forced into weight loss programs: all this week on Town Tal-" *gets hit by a chair*

Y'know, GK, I had a legitimate spring in my step today because of my comment, and then you and your precious internet had to come along and kick me right in the shin…and it hurt. *sobbing* It hurt real bad! *more sobbing*

I'll see this because I'm a sucker for the Apatow gang…

"Call Me Maeby": The Alia Shawkat Story

I was going to post the same exact thing. I actually like Hardwick and the Nerdist podcast quite a bit, but not wanting to hear constructive criticism is kind of strange. He's oversimplifying reviews into fanboys with blinders on and trolls, neither of which are useful when it comes to self-evaluation. But knowing how

her suit?