Mister Lou

Friday: My friend and I saw the midnight screening of "The Cabin in the Woods" which we, like many, enjoyed immensely. The majority of the theater was into it, laughing at all the right parts. It was just a fun experience.

The redneck torture zombies aren't really an Evil Dead thing. There is a couple rednecks in Evil Dead II and some reanimated corpses, but they don't fit this mold.

When we get the big view of the all of the monster holding cells, I'm pretty sure I saw two twin little girls, a la The Shining…? Also, when they're looking at the trinkets in the cellar, the mirrored music box with the ballerina in it gave me a Suspiria vibe.

The no. 2 pencil Fletcher snaps in half is Steve's father.

…help, let me outta this box, I can't breathe in here, help, let me out…!

Now we are all sons of bitches.

@avclub-fbca7c48c185890bd31f538b91ba5fbb:disqus I can think of two things wrong with that title.

Same for me, except I'd rather clean all the bathrooms in Grand Central Station with my tongue.

I heard McGregor won the role just barely over Cindy Brady because of that line.

Jack Torrance: Bro, Last Call with Carson Daly's on.


If I'm interpreting the "Holy Fuck" correctly, I had the same experience as @m0nit0rman:disqus . The movie was fun and much better than I expected it to be, so I checked out the book. It was so aggressively disturbing and repellant that I was kind of numb to until the final page. I'm not any sort of prude or

::search for the remote to rewind the awesome scene, remember they left the remote in the kitchen during the last commercial break, race to go get it, skid on their piss and shit, trip on the carpet, totally pull a Beneke::

::audience pisses themselves::


And Robert Shaw with Kate Capshaw?

I was enjoying this just fine until I hit a greased staircase. Reloaded my checkpoint and I was back two quests. Ugh. It's mindless fun (act 1, anyway), but that stair bug is just shoddy.

Agreed Cookie Monster. Mutual acceptance is extremely key to longevity and happiness in a relationship. I thank God everyday that my wife loves me for who I am and doesn't browbeat me. I'm insanely lucky. I have some friends and acquaintances that just seem miserable because they're constantly criticizing and needling