Mister Lou

@Colonel Gentleman
Yes, I liked Waiting quite a bit. Not a comedy classic, by any means, but I watch it from time to time, and it always makes me laugh. (Side note: from one VB fan to another, could you please say "scuba snorkel?")

I'll ask you this since you've seen the movie: was every major plot point totally given away in the most recent trailer? I was looking forward to seeing this, but holy shit, did that preview ever seem like it gave away everything.

Okay, maybe this is has been discussed to death, but I've never read anything about it and it has always been one of my biggest concerns with making The Dark Tower into a movie/miniseries/puppet show:

Yeah, especially the part where he yells at Jack Klugman for stealing the fizzy lifting drink. Whew. That is annnn-gry.

You should definitely see 12 Angry Men.

If there was every a more Lovecraftian word that this, I've never heard it.

@worker201 - I felt kinda bad renting this on OnDemand instead of going to the theater to see it, but after reading your comments, I'm glad I didn't. I really enjoyed the movie, but it probably would have spoiled it to have everyone hooting. Moron audiences are really killing the theater-going experience for me.

I'm really, really late to the party, but I've got a recommendation/question.

Johnny Bench called.

For your consideration:

Maybe he meant
[The Towering] Inferno.
[Long pause.]
'Cause that would fit the description too.
[Long pause.]
And they were both about disasters.
[Long pause.]
And neither one had Shelley Winters in it.

I love all things Dante, but my favorite has to be "Matinee." Sure, there's the nostalgia factor there, but I don't think I'd love movies as much as I do today without having seen it.

The only callback I can…recall…is in "Last Crusade" when Indy and Elsa are walking through the catacombs. When he identifies the drawing on the wall is the Ark of the Covenant, she asks if he's sure and he says, "Pretty sure." Still, not Earth shattering.

When I saw the trailer for "Jonah Hex," I wanted to throw a bicycle with training wheels at Josh Brolin for going along with the raping and pillaging of such classic lines.

I feel dirty that the first thing I thought of was Judy Davis and Andy Samberg singing "It's my head in a box."