

Ketchup chips?
I'm sure they're even grosser than Utz's Crab Chips. You've gotta be an East Coaster to have had them. Saaaay, how's about a "local cuisine" inspired Taste Test?

Yes, but the commercial for it is on EVERY channel, and it has completely infested XM.

Uh, yeah…that too, I guess.

Stuff that gets my blood and my dander up
1) That Coldplay song "Viva La Vida". XM subscribers can relate. As if the iTunes didn't drill it into our heads enough, XM's "30 Days of Coldplay" has made the intro "Dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun…" un-get-out-of-your-head-able. And not the good kind. I have no

Rough times
True, we are in some craptastic times, but I can't say that they have me listening to "sad" music any more than I usually do. But when times are truly shiteous, not just for the, I don't know, public and nation in general, but for me personally, yeah, I turn me to some sad tunes. And also, as cliched as

For Price, his Dempsey trilogy is excellent: "Clockers", "Freedomland" and "Samaritan," and I think his latest book "Lush Life" is his best one yet.

I'd say he's closer to Richard Price in terms of style and theme, but all three (Pelecanos, Price and Lehane) are similar, not just because they all wrote for "The Wire," but because lexicondevil mentioned of Pelecanos above, all three utilize "place" effectively in telling their stories: be it Dempsey, D.C. or

Indifferent to a reunion
I'm just sad that Cheech's time as a school bus driver was so short-lived.

I listen to Goulet during the lusty month of May.

You'll have to go 'round the country like Johnny NoMusicSeed and tell that to every business that doesn't have a corporate-commissioned soundtrack.

Former Joe slinger
Being a former manager of a coffee shop, I can say with what little authority that title brings, that the safest route to take in shop soundtracks is Elvis Costello. He's the least offensive (If that's the term I'm looking for.), as he appeals to both the middle-of-the-road coffee shop purveyors

The Reigning Sound? Aptly named.
This was one of the rare "Popless" entries, Noel, where I knew of more of the bands you wrote of than not. But thanks for writing about The Oblivians! Being new to The Reigning Sound (And how very, very awesome they are!), I had yet to hear anything about The Oblivians. Guess I's

I'm not sure, but it definitely made me feel like my timbers were shivered.

Wouldn't "Critical Care" have to be part of "Direct-to-DVD Purgatory" though? I didn't think it even had a theatrical release?

Top of his game
At least "Lil' Wayne Champagne" has a good rhyme scheme to it. Or better yet, it'll be called "ChampWayne." Here's to hoping!

Any word on how the new Ron Sexsmith is?